Welcome to Belle’s Living

Lifestyle. Fashion. Travel.

Written With Love, By Helena Dos Santos

Founder of former Belle’s Living - now the Belle Concept & Store - and Business student, Helena started working on Belle’s Living to focus on the areas she loves the most: fashion, writing, content creation, and design.

Read more to get to know about recent projects and experience.

Lifestyle. Travel. Fashion. Mental Health.

Lifestyle. Travel. Fashion. Mental Health.

Before Belle, there was Belle's Living—a humble corner of the internet where genuine reflections and conscious living intersected. From those digital beginnings emerged Belle, embodying the values of the former blog: mindful fashion, mental health awareness, and heartfelt discussions. Through the new Belle's Living, our founder shares personal insights on topics like eating disorders, life lessons, and travel, inviting others to join her on a journey of authenticity and self-discovery.